The basic premise of the Hash fraternity is that there is no management as such, no central organisation and no rules...BUT...


The Algarve Hash House Harriers is a kennel of the global Hash House Harriers ( see The Hashing Phenomena).  We basically adopt the same constitutional principals of the global hash movement. Unlike the Mother Hash, which has to be formally constituted under Malaysian law there is no such stipulation under Portuguese law, which upholds the right for residents of Portugal to freely associate to follow their interests provided that those interests do not conflict with the laws of Portugal.


However, being a non-registered association does not absolve us from responsibilities.  Non- registered associations are governed under  Articles 195 to 201a of the Civil Code Decree – Law 274/1966, Series 1 of 1966-11-25.  These articles apply to the Algarve Hash House Harriers under the aforementioned Civil Code. This code stipulates that non registered associations must have a set of operating rules, otherwise the same rules that apply to registered associations (which are onerous) and we don't want that.


We have derived the following set of rules to ensure that the Algarve Hash House Harriers continues to operate within the rules of the Civil Code while keeping our association as simple as possible. It's a necessary evil if you like. By coming to the AHHH on a regular basis and being counted as a member of the AHHH  you agree to abide by these rules.


Articles of Association of the Algarve Hash House Harriers


(Articles 195-201a of the Cicivl Code Decree – Law 274/1966, Series 1 of 1966-11-25)



1. The Association



The Algarve Hash House Harriers (A3H) is a non-registered, non-profit, friendly association, of Portugal comprising individual members (Hashers) who join together regularly throughout the year on days and times agreed by the members to pursue the pastimes of walking and running followed by a social circle (the Circle) involving humour, singing, drinking, snacks and light hearted social interaction.



The objectives of the association are to:



• promote physical fitness of its members



• get rid of weekend hangovers



• acquire a good thirst and to satisfy it in beer



• persuade the older members that they are not as old as they feel





We want the A3H to be a welcoming, friendly environment which should not feel intimidating to anyone.





The creed of the Circle is as follows:



• Everyone is equal in the Circle, except for the GM and the RA who are more equal than others.



• Light hearted adult humour and singing is encouraged.



• Everyone is welcome and prejudice will not be tolerated.



• We must be considerate of the effects that our language and behaviour have on others.



• we are here to have fun and not offend anyone.




2. Members



The A3H is an adult association that involves drinking alcohol and humour with adult themes.



Any person, 18 years and over is welcome to attend hash events. Children are very welcome under the supervision of an accompanying adult, who should be aware that the humour is often of an adult nature.



To be considered an Ordinary Member of the A3H a hasher should be a regular and active attendee at A3H runs / events and should be active in setting trails throughout the year. They should have demonstrated their commitment to the A3H having attended several hash runs and set at least one trail throughout the year.



Long standing A3H hashers who have, over several years set many runs, attended events or taken on mismanagement roles but who are no longer physically able to set trails or be involved in the regular activities of the A3H will be considered as Life Members and will receive the same benefits as Ordinary Members.



Ordinary and Life Members of the A3H are entitled to vote at the AGE either personally in the Circle or by proxy via the GM.



A3H Members may benefit from subsidised prices at A3H events.



If an Ordinary Member stops attending hashes and setting trails and has not done so over the previous year they will automatically be removed from the roll of Members, but may come back onto the roll if they later continue hashing.



If a Member leaves the A3H or is excluded for whatever reason, the member is not due to any refund of subs nor to benefit from any previous, current or future events nor to any share of the assets of the A3H should it be dissolved.



The roll of Members at anytime will be determined as per the above. If there is any doubt pertaining to membership the Mismanagement will take the ultimate decision.



3. Organisation and Administration is determined by the members of the A3H.



An AGE (Annual General Erection) meeting is held on a date and time as decided by the GM, when volunteers are appointed by the members to administer the affairs of the A3H for the following year. This group is affectionately referred to as the Mismanagement The following positions are appointed at the AGE:



• Grand Mattress (GM) - The equivalent to a general manager



• Religious Advisor (RA) - The life and soul of the Circle.



• Hash Cash (HC) -weekly subs, treasurer and book keeper



• Hare Raiser -Responsible for finding hares to set the runs as well as general admin



• Beer Meister - To provide iced beer, wine, soft drinks and snacks for the hash



• Hash Awards – responsible for monitoring stats, sourcing awards for presentation to members.



• Haberdasher – Design and sourcing of hash merchandise



• Song Meister - Knows the hash songs and instigates the singing









4. Subs and Accounts





1. Members and guests attending a hash are normally required to pay subs of an amount decided by the Mismanagement and agreed annually at the AGE. Children up to the age of 12 do not pay subs.



2. Member’s contributions and assets acquired constitute the common fund of the association. As long as the association subsists, no member may require the division of the common fund and no creditor of the members has the right to have such division executed.



3. A roll of members and guests with their payments is taken at each hash. This roll is kept for hash statistics, hash awards and for accounting purposes.



4. Hash Cash also pays out funds to the hares, Beer Meister, Haberdasher and any other members to cover the costs they incur in providing food, drinks, merchandise, etc to the hash.



5. The accounts are updated throughout the year and finalised at the end of the year for submission at the AGE. The A3H funds and accounts are held on behalf of the members on a trust basis by Hash Cash, partly in their personal bank account and partly in working cash. The accounts are not independently audited and are not publicised but they are open for inspection at any time by any member of the A3H by contacting Hash Cash.



6. Donations to the association are deemed to enter the common fund to the benefit of all members.





5. A3H Conduct and Self Responsibility



The nature of hashing takes us through non fenced land not marked as private, along tracks and public roads, often close to houses and sometimes through towns. It is incumbent on all those present on a hash run to respect the traditions of the A3H, other hashers, the people that we come into contact with as well as their land, property and animals.



Tracks and paths through rocky train can often be quite difficult to negotiate. Participants need to be sufficiently physically fit to cope and are responsible for ensuring they wear proper footwear and outdoor clothing as required by the conditions.



You can bring your dog with you on the following basis:



• one dog per person



• dogs to be on a short lead at all times throughout the run in order to prevent any trips or accidents.



• If the Circle is at the hare’s house permission should be sought from the hare for your dog to be present in the house or garden, otherwise please make other arrangements.



6. Responsibilities of Mismanagement



The Mismanagement are appointed by the members at the AGE.



The mismanagement are responsible for the organisation and administration of the A3H as well as the conservation of its funds and the allocation thereof to any purposes as required to the benefit of the members.



They are duty bound to do so honestly, effectively and in good faith.



7. Responsibilities of All Members



The A3H is a non registered association without legal entity. This means that each member is responsible for their own safety, behaviour and conduct at all times. None of the attendees at any hash are responsible for the conduct of other Hashers.



8. Dissolution of the A3H



Should the members decide by a special vote to dissolve the A3H, they may decide to spend the common fund on a closing event or simply distribute the common funds equally to the membership pertaining at that time.